Seeking Refuge in Europe

As a result of the current state of conflict in their countries people from Syria, Afghanistan, and other Middle Eastern and North African countries are seeking refuge in European nations. Hundreds of thousands migrants are making the long journey across the Mediterranean Sea to escape war and in hopes of a better life for themselves and their families. The journey that these migrants are making is neither an easy one nor a safe one. Journalists have reported may stories of disasters that are occurring as migrants attempt to traverse the rough sea in rubber rafts, putting lives in danger, in hopes that they can make it to safety. A tragic report about the drowning of a young Syrian boy made national news and brought to light the severity of the migration crisis.

The difficulties do not end for the migrants once they arrive in Europe. With such a high influx of migrants the European countries are feeling overwhelmed in regards to their space and resources. Countries are beginning to reach capacity for number of migrants that they can support. Overwhelmed with the quantity of people entering their countries, governments are beginning to shut down railways and roads, preventing more people from entering and gaining asylum.

At this time the European commission is attempting to fairly distribute migrants throughout Europe in efforts to provide some nations with relief. Countries including Greece, Italy and Germany have offered asylum to more than their share of migrants. The EU is attempting to gain control of the situation and redistribute refugees so that all countries are equally taking responsibility. Some countries are reluctant to provide asylum to more migrants however with more and more migrants entering Europe there may be no choice but to provide refuge for them.

As migrants continue to enter the EU it will be interesting to see future responses of the European countries to the floods of people looking for refuge. Will the EU be successful in redistributing migrants equally across the European nations? How will attitudes towards migrants change as weeks go by and more people continue to seek refuge?

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